Andrew McNiven (Dunbar, Scotland)   Robot



Andrew McNiven’s recent moving image works are concerned with ‘agen3on’ and ohen use ambient condi3ons or situa3ons as their source. The works draw on minimalist aesthe3cs, the use of diege3c sound in cinema, and the tradi3ons of large-format photography. ‘Robot’ follows the seemingly endless process of a pool robot, and includes a surprising element of jeopardy.

Further informa3on:


Andrew McNiven was born in Edinburgh in 1963 and studied Fine Art at Goldsmiths' College, gradua3ng in 1987, a contemporary of many of the ar3sts who rose to interna3onal prominence during the 1990s. He received his MA from Goldsmiths' in 1995. Since 1990 his work has been shown na3onally and interna3onally including by the Lisson Gallery, the Whitechapel Gallery, the Akademie der Kunst, Berlin, and the Neue Galerie, Dachau. Recent projects include ‘The Understanding Gaze: Pierre Bourdieu/Andrew McNiven’ at White Box, Friedrichshafen,(2020, D), and ‘The Ar3st Will Be Present’ at Lodge222, Dordrecht (2021, NL). He completed an AHRC-funded, prac3ce-led PhD at Northumbria University in 2010. Previously a lecturer at Edinburgh College of Art, he is currently Senior Lecturer in Visual Culture at Zeppelin Universität in Friedrichshafen, Germany.